GRE CS subject exam = undergraduate credit

Discussion in 'IT and Computer-Related Degrees' started by katzchen, Dec 7, 2001.

  1. katzchen

    katzchen New Member

    I've seen this possibility mentioned in several places, including the Bears' _Get Your IT Degree & Get Ahead_, but I have yet to find a comprehensive list of colleges which accept the GRE subject exams (Computer Science, specifically) for credit. The two I know of are Excelsior and Charter Oak. I am worried about the lack of ABET accreditation of their programs, however. Are the two (GRE and ABET) mutually exclusive? I have completed my general
    education at a traditional college, but do not have any CS credits to speak of, and would like to get a degree with a
    minimum of fuss (and boredom / time in class), so Excelsior and other nontraditional schools are attractive to me.

    Does anyone know of any other schools (more traditionally accredited, perhaps?) which award credit for the GRE subject exams?

    I have read on this forum that Excelsior doesn't accept the GRE toward a BS/CIS degree, but that's not what one of the advisors (I believe her name is Jennifer) told me.

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