Only about 10 percent of China’s engineers and 25 percent of India’s, can compete in

Discussion in 'IT and Computer-Related Degrees' started by jimnagrom, Apr 3, 2006.

  1. jimnagrom

    jimnagrom New Member

    Only about 10 percent of China’s engineers and 25 percent of India’s, can compete in the global market.

    According to a 2005 McKinsey and Company Global Institute labor study, only about 10 percent of China’s engineers, and 25 percent of India’s, can compete in the global market. That report found that a higher percentage of engineers in low-wage nations like Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Malaysia, than in China and India, are competitive in the global job market.

    In fact, of the nations surveyed, China tied for last with Russia, behind Brazil and the Philippines, for the percentage of engineers that can compete in the global market.

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