Burn out ! Accerlated program taking a toll on me

Discussion in 'IT and Computer-Related Degrees' started by codekiller, Sep 21, 2003.

  1. codekiller

    codekiller New Member


    I am currently in the final 3 classes of my bachelors program and I am burnt out ! When I Do My assignments I am so tired I currently work 40 hours and goto school too like most of you !
    I am wondering what you do to get your self back in the groove I am starting to get tired of the contiuous studying and I was just wondering if anyone else had the type of experirence I have with any accelerated program and what you did to get back bisdes cutting back on work hours which I cannot do !
  2. wfready

    wfready New Member


    I am taking three classes as well. It gets kind of overwhelming sometimes (when a lot of stuff is due at around the same time). I try to keep pace by staying on a schedule (eg. first class on Monday, second class on Wednesday, third class on Friday). If I keep to this schedule, it tends to even out the load.

    You wrote this a few weeks ago, how are you doing in this class? I am taking a similar class (advanced c++) this term and it's a lot of work. I took AP computers in high school 11 years ago and it it's coming back to me as I do the material (except the OOP concepts [we used Pascal in computer class]).

    You know the fact that you are on your last three classes should be enough motivation by itself! You came this far, just a few more weeks to go right?

    Best Regards,
  3. codekiller

    codekiller New Member


    I am not going to lie to you it is the hardest class I have ever taken!and not just because of content of but the project from week to week are like there 5 week difference programing 410 was hard but it was not this hard we are creating database interfaces for access that seem easy but when you start creating them there not ! I have been taught alot in this class probably more than any other class thus far but you must really study hard and read the chapters multiple times which is more like a math book then a actual text . I tell you I will be so glad when this class is finished but I will also feel so proud for making through the class. There has been more people dropping out of this class that any other thus far !
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2003
  4. wfready

    wfready New Member

    We are using C++ How to Program (Deitel & Deitel). This book is worse than a math book (I am assuming you mean it is difficult to read ;) ). The material format is is pretty rough (it bounces around from one topic to another). It makes it very hard to read. I make sure to read the book first and then view the power point slides provided by the instructer (it clarifies whatever I did not understand in the text). This text covers basic programming as well and if I were to use this text in the first programming course I took, I would of struggled there as well.

    Best Regards,
  5. codekiller

    codekiller New Member


    what book are you using? I am using http://www.course.com/catalog/product.cfm?category=Programming&subcategory=Microsoft%20Visual%20Basic%2ENET&isbn=0-619-01658-2 book It is similiar to the way your book is set up jump s around alot makes rfrences to thing that where not explianed earlier assume to much about what you should know and doesnt explain what your trying to do enough ! I agree it is worst than a math book because a math book is not this confusing ! where are you going to school at ?
    Is it accelrated too?
  6. wfready

    wfready New Member

    C++ How to Program (Deitel & Deitel)

    Troy State University (BSCS program). The courses are not as accelerated as AIU (5 weeks), but they are not the traditional 3 month length (or how ever long regular courses are). 10 weeks each term with 5 terms a year. If I CLEP a couple courses I may be finished middle of next year.

    Best Regards,
  7. codekiller

    codekiller New Member


    I ve heard about the school serveral times on this board it has a good reputation. !10 weeks classes puts you basically in the same boat Im in ! I wish I would have known about the clep test while I was younger I defintily would have taken advantage of them. I glad to her Im not the only one having these problems but I wish you luck in your classes and will keep you posted on the other classes.
  8. Jbreaux

    Jbreaux New Member

    Hey Bill

    I think we are in the same c++ class at Troy State. IS2244 with Mr. Copeland.
  9. wfready

    wfready New Member


    How you doing? What classes are taking now and term 2? When do you think you will be finished? If I CLEP, intro to comp, and american literature I may be able to finish by July of next year.

    Best Regards,
  10. Jbreaux

    Jbreaux New Member


    I am taking IS 2244 and HIS 1112. In term 2 I am taking CS 3358(Advanced C/C++) and ECO 2251 (Macroeconomics). After Term 2 I will be a Junior. If I did the math right somewhere in the area of Term 5 2005. I was tempted to take 3 classes after taking a Earth Science and the lab in Term 5. But I am so glad I didn't, 3 classes would be to much work.


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