Excelsior Exam Costs

Discussion in 'CLEP, DANTES, and Other Exams for Credit' started by Tylin, Oct 6, 2006.

  1. Tylin

    Tylin New Member


    I haven't enrolled in Excelsior yet, but I will soon. I was wondering If anyone could tell me how much the ECE fee per test is for an enrolled student? Many tests on their website show $190.00 per test, but it says that also includes fees for unmatriculated students.


  2. ShotoJuku

    ShotoJuku New Member

    Just something to think about.........But many, if not all, EC degree requirements (depending on the degree your seeking) can be met by CLEP & DANTES exams t a much CHEAPER price. Other than a mandatory literacy exam, I did not take any ECE's to meet my degree requirements. GOOD LUCK!!
  3. Tylin

    Tylin New Member

    Thanks, Shoto! I definitely will be taking some of those for my lower level requirements. But I do need some upper level psychology credits, preferably just tests. I'm tearing my hair out right now with all of the papers and projects I got assigned with my current B&M distance ed courses. :(

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