BIOCOM Institute.......Any info?

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by bpreachers, May 28, 2011.

  1. bpreachers

    bpreachers New Member

    Anyone know anything about this establishment? They are starting a business program certification in June that I have been accepted to free of charge due to my military affiliation called the Life Science Immersion Program. I am just trying to find out if it is something worthwhile to pursue. Their website is BIOCOM Institute :: Welcome and this is the web address for the program I will be attending BIOCOM Institute :: Life Science Immersion Program

    Thanks in advance folks.
  2. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    "Free of charge" is hard to argue with but I have no real idea what a "business certification program" might be coming from such a place. It might be a great cert but also, it may have no value in terms of college credits. I'd do lots of research before I invested my time and energy. Our own SurfDoctor lives in the SanDiego area and may have some more insight.
  3. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2011
  4. edowave

    edowave Active Member

    Don't know about this particular program, but it sounds very similar to other biotech workforce development programs I've seen elsewhere. Basically, they are under a grant to get people trained in industrial biotechnology. Research people need to be trained on the business side of it, and business people need to be trained on the life science side. It is a growth area that we are sorely lacking trained people in. I went through a similar program. I would say it is worthwhile to do.
  5. addision

    addision Member

    Summer Program

    I would do it. The list of educational institutions is extensive and it appears to have a lot of corporate and government backing.

    Any practical experience you can get will put you closer to getting a job than someone without. The learning objectives that they have listed are not just specific to biotech firms, but to many types of lab settings. This should help you a lot if that is the type of work you are looking for.

    If I had the extra $1000 I would do it too. I am in California as well and I know that the state is relaxing some guidelines on its training programs for the unemployed sometime in July, that will help a lot of people as well, as the state was really tight with allowing education training benefits in the past.
  6. bpreachers

    bpreachers New Member

    Turned in all the paperwork today. The representative is going to send me my comp code for logging in purposes in a week or two. I figure you just cant beat free haha.

    Thanks for the input folks.

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