Trinity Theological Seminary Hosts New Website

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Guest, Mar 2, 2003.

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  4. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member


    But...but...that page says St Augustine established a community at the Christ Church site in 600 Ad... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  5. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member

    I am wondering if Trinity feels the need to harp away at the Christ Church accreditation, repeating over and over again "accreditation" in that connection, just how convinced Trinity is that NCA OK is just around the corner.
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I don't know but the *new* accreditation page is a step backwards from the previous one. This one really makes the connection look like something important.

    If I recall correctly I dod not even see PhD's in religion offered by Christ Church.

    I think this advertising is sad indeed. Maybe theu are losing the sense of certainty and going back to old advertising habits.

  7. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member


    I dunno. If Augustine can start a community at the Christ Church site 170 years after he died I guess Trinity might get RA:D
  8. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

    Wrong Augustine. The one referred to here was first Archbishop of Canterbury. Augustine of Hippo presumably never saw the green hills of England.
  9. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member


    Thanks Oxpecker. Showed my ingorance again.
  10. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

  11. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

    Don't feel bad, Bill. I googled.
  12. Malcolm Jenner

    Malcolm Jenner New Member

    Interesting points to note:

    The Trinity certificates are signed by the Vice-Principal of Christ Church, not the Prinicipal. Why?

    There is no mention of the Trinity link on the Christ Church Theology department web page, only on the main College web page. Is the Theology department involved in any way?

    Christ Church does offer research PhDs in Religion, but these are awarded by the University of Kent at Canterbury - Christ Church is only authorised to award its own degrees for taught programmes.

    Malcolm S Jenner
  13. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member


    That is gracious of you, but I should have too. I should have figured that there was no way the Trinity site and I could be referencing the same Saint Augustine. Thanks again,
  14. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member


    Yet on that Trinity page where nine times it is said that Christ Church *accredits* Trinity(an obviously different relationship than Unizul to its several "accredited schools") it is also said that a TTS grad can go to Christ Church for the grad ceremony (likely in a side room), that the faculty of theology at CC endorses the TTS program, and that CC appears on the TTS doc diploma. As Grandpap used to say, "There's more than one way to skin a cat." And tonight 10,000 TTS students meow.:(
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2003
  15. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Like Cato after Carthage, Bill goes after TTS yet again! And he's STILL right! Christ Canterbury is in the same relationship to UKC that the various theological schools are to Unizul. IF TTS were doing all this in good faith that would be one thing, but I find that hard to believe, and no comfort if true, for if it were true, it would mean that a theological school was guilty of the very stupidest form of rhetorical error--an abusus loquendi--failing to use terms properly and being oblivious to radically different meanings of a single word.
  16. telefax

    telefax Member

    Janko: "Like Cato after Carthage, Bill goes after TTS yet again! And he's STILL right!"

    "Carthage must be destroyed!" :)

    Trinity of Newburgh has some undeniable ethical problems regarding their phony "accreditation" claims. Since they use faculty from other institutions (like Turner from GRBS for example) as part-time instructors, I wonder if that opens an avenue to pressure Trinity of Newburgh to clean up their act?

    Bill, Russell, and Janko,
    Have any of you contacted the reputable professors and shared your concerns regarding the disreputable nature of the institution's phony claims? Perhaps they are unaware that Trinity of Newburgh is deceiving people into thinking that they are accredited? While there should be no shame in being an adjunct at a good school that chooses to remain unaccredited, Trinity of Newburgh is playing rather dirty pool.
  17. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    No, I haven't done that. Couple reasons: they don't know me from a hole in the ground, and, my criticism is really not of any supposedly ethical prof--still less of the students--but of the outfit itself.
    Accreditation ain't absolution, while I'm at it, and my dislike of the place is not mitigated by any future success in getting the brass ring. I am actually much less antagonistic toward unaccredited schools (or at least toward legitimate student work done at them)than some other post-ers are. That makes me all the more severe in my view of TTS' twisting of terms.
    Besides, how could these big shot highfalutin' P H an' D's NOT know what's there for all the world to see on the websites for TTS and MDS, if a poor Carpathian peasant with nary a doctorate to his name can see it?
  18. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member

    I feel as does Unk. The claimed accreditation is appropriate in neither the British nor the US sense and those profs know that.

    I did speak to a VP there once (also he is connected with MDS) about the issue and he said that he certainly knew more about accreditation than I did. When I replied that my definition was based on what X (someone we all know), the VP --and this was on a public forum-- said, "well X is a self styled expert just in it for the money"! (of corse Trinity isn't in it for the $:rolleyes: )
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2003
  19. telefax

    telefax Member

    TTS Newburgh

    Janko: “Accreditation ain't absolution, while I'm at it, and my dislike of the place is not mitigated by any future success in getting the brass ring.”

    I agree completely. Actually, I hope they never receive legitimate accreditation, given their past unethical behavior. My thought was more along the lines of dropping the phony claims of accreditation.

    Janko: “…how could these big shot highfalutin' P H an' D's NOT know what's there for all the world to see on the websites for TTS and MDS, if a poor Carpathian peasant with nary a doctorate to his name can see it?”

    I would not be surprised at all to find reputable people grading papers for schools that are actually one room mail drop “universities”, without knowing as much as they should about the school itself. I have met Ph.D.’s who were honest, but as a result of a lifetime in the “ivory tower”, lacked common sense/situational awareness to a high degree.

    However, you and Bill have been investigating this school and its personnel for some time, and are far more familiar with them than I, so I will yield to you regarding motives of the professors.

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