Trinity College of the Bible: Class action suit?

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Keith Kyger, Dec 22, 2011.

  1. Keith Kyger

    Keith Kyger New Member

    I've completed the necesary 48 credit hours towards my doctorate. I've been enrolled in the dissertation course for more than two years. Trinity has refused to have a conversation with me regarding the dissertation during the entire time. They finally kicked me out of the program. I simply asked (repeatedly) to discuss a plan to complete the dissertation. I was never allowed to discuss it with anyone. The feedback was often incoherent, contradictory, belated, unprofessional, (you get the idea). Their final reasons for kicking me out were that I plagiarized my own copyright and I didn't follow faculty direction. Has anyone else suffered similar treatment from Trinity. I am bringing forth legal action. Is any one interested in joining a class action suit?


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