Plagiarism scandal Ohio University

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Lerner, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    These are certainly not the headlines we'd like to see about the universit.

    Department chair resigned as a head of the program. Contract for associate professor canseled, Neither will be permitted to continue to advase students.
    In addition 37 enginnering graduates have been told they must either give up their master degrees, rewrite their theses, or chalange the acusations in a hearings.

    A 1992 study showed that aproximatly 82% of engineering students said they had been academically dishonest compared to 71% of natural science students and 73% of social science students.
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Why is this in Accredited vs State-Approved vs Unaccredited?
  3. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    my mistake, I was going to post it in of topic section.
    It needs to be mooved.

  4. eric.brown

    eric.brown New Member

    I've argued for years that engineering programs should add more writing and speaking courses to get students more comfortable with the process. Most engineering students that I have met have not been trained well in writing.
  5. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Plagiarism scandal Ohio University

    Is Engineering the liberal arts degree of the 21th century? That was the question asked by Venkatesh Narayanamurti, dean of engineering and applied sciences at Harvard University.

    They are going to call it Harvards technology, engineering and society concentration that will give students both a foundation of scientific and engineering basics and exposure to the connections between thechnology and aspects of society, such as policy, law, business, and ethics.

    Now NAE - National Academy of Engineering recomends Testing to Mesure Technological and General Literacy starting at K12
  6. JLV

    JLV Active Member

    There is no excuse for such a stupid behavior. In my opinion, Ohio was pretty lenient. Presenting other people's work as your own is ilegal. Plagiarism in the real world is a crime. But good that Ohio University managed to find a solution. It is a top tier university and should act as such.
  7. JLV

    JLV Active Member

    BTW, as Eric said, I have also read many theses from engineering students, and one feels like crying when you realize the different writing styles accros the paper (suggesting unscrupulous copy and paste). This is not a problem that affects only to Ohio University. If we were to scrutinize master's theses accross the country (or Europe) we will find many surprises. I am sure.

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