Searching a reputable & recognized unaccredited D/L uni

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Migara, Dec 28, 2005.

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  1. Migara

    Migara member

    I am looking for a reputable (if any) and recognized unaccredited D/L University to transfer my studies from Fairfax, as I would like to complete and gain something and to close that chapter.

    Atlantic International University replied to me saying that they would consider, but I am not sure about that institution.

    Any Feed back as to which institution I should consider?

    Many thanks,

  2. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    At what level you studied in Fairfax, undergrad, grad or post grad?

    If undergrad then you may want to take some challenge exams and get academic credit for what you learned, them enrol at accredited university and continue working toward accredited degree. Why linit yourself with unaccredited degree?

    Anyway more info is required to provide you with an answer.
    For example if you studies law than you may try one of CA state approved universities that Cal Bar approved.

  3. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    From Fairfax? Yeah, right! Don't hold your breath for even the worst them to do that!

    And since when do you think so little of the dozen or so CalBar-registered JD programs that you'd suggest that any of them would actually accept credits from the likes of Fairfax? C'mon! (A rhetorical question. Don't start a new thread to answer it.)

    Migara, I've reviewed your body of posts around here, and you sure do spend a lot of time asking this august body to contemplate your bad decisions regarding unaccredited schools; and to help you resolve the mess you're now in (or that you say you're in) because you chose to ignore the advice you were given around here in the past... advice that would have helped you avoid the alleged mess you're now in, if you hadn't.

    It occurs to me that if I were a closeted shill -- or one trying to be really subtle and to fly just below the radar -- and if I wanted to:
    • keep discussion going about unaccredited institutions in a forum where it's widely known that same it not generally well thought of; and,
    • trick those known to think so little of unaccredited schools into actually up and recommending a few,[/list=a]then I'd play it just about the same way I'm starting to recognize that you're playing it around here.

      Covert shilling is still shilling. You're fooling no one.

      You've gotten your advice around here... you just don't like what you read; and you seem to think that asking in a different way, or asking about different unaccredited institutions, will somehow get you where you'd like to go... or where you'd like us to think you'd like to go.

      If what you claim has happened to you is, in fact, what's really happened to you, then you're screwed. There's no other way of saying it; and wishing otherwise won't make it so. Get that through your head. You ignored the advice everyone gave you here, and you got ripped-off. Now you appear to be hoping for a miracle...

      ...that is, if any of it's even true!

      Contemplating jumping from the frying pan of Fairfax into the fire of Atlantic International University tells me that you're either trying to get ripped-off yet again...

      ...or you're just trying to keep talk about unaccredited good-for-nothings -- and even mills -- front and center at DegreeInfo.... the place so well known for its intolerance of such things.

      I refuse to believe that you don't get it; and I'm insulted by your assumption that we can't see it.

      Well all that stops... right here, right now.

      You've insulted quite enough people around here by asking for their advice and then promptly ignoring it. You're sounding more and more like a shill every time you do this. If that's not your intention, then I'm sorry for jumping to that conclusion... but this isn't a court of law; it's an imperfect world, and I get to make that mistake. If that's the case then, again, maybe you should pause to consider just how you're coming across.

      Shilling's not allowed here... not even the long-term, low-level, back-door, subtle, disguised, trying-to-fly-just-beneath-the-radar kind. Thinking-up excuses to keep mills and less-than-wonderfuls in the forefront is spotted and recognized. If you think you're being misinterpreted, then perhaps you should take more responsibility for seeing to it that that sort of thing stops happening to you...

      ...and maybe you could also honor the advice of those from whom you seek it by actually following it once in a while.

      This game stops now. With regard to your Fairfax problem, you're on your own. You've gotten your answers. Follow Lerner's advice and go to an accredited school. This is finished. Find something new to talk about.

      Thread closed.
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