Comes now St. James Business College (with a first in new school marketing)

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by John Bear, Dec 16, 2005.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Ad in USA Today today for "SJBC" which turns out to be St. James Business College, addresses in Washington DC and London.

    While I am naturally suspicious of people who put an "edu" into their URL in that way, this one looks better than most USA Today advertisers. They say they will be applying to DETC as soon as they are the necessary two years old. Half their doctorate-holding faculty (one of the two) has the degree from California Coast.

    Oddly, in their warning not to deal with degree mills, they actually include a live link to the site of phony Rochville University so we can see what a degree mill looks like. A real skeptic might wonder if that could be the real reason for this ad?
  2. AuditGuy

    AuditGuy Member

  3. JamesK

    JamesK New Member

    From their US about us page.

    So where are they getting their authority to offer degrees? Certainly not from the UK. Their office in Washington, DC?

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