The silence of Azad....

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Carl_Reginstein, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. Azad has been uncharacteristically silent these past few days. Perhaps he is in transit to his next semi-organized crime/diploma mill operation?
  2. mineralhh

    mineralhh New Member

    I fail to see what this is supposed to say. Perhaps he is on holiday. Perhaps he is not. So what?
  3. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Taking off oh, say, five to ten in Sing Sing or some other fashionable watering hole?
  4. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Scott Peterson gets fan mail, too, I guess

    How is it that knuckleheads like Aza... er... Lerne... er... well... whoever he actually is gets supporters?
  5. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Jockeying for credibility?
  6. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    With whom? The heads of equal knuckleness in the Crabb forum? Who, here, would respect anyone more for defending mill shills? Oh, wait... you were being sarcastic.

    Never mind. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2005
  7. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    It was a pun.
    Support ~jockey.
  8. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Yeah... I figured that out and was editing my post to reflect that when you posted. Sorry for being a little slow this morning. I was up very, very late finishing a report that had to be converted to a PDF file and shipped-off via email for one of my people to use in a 10:30 meeting in Chicago this morning... a meeting, now that I look at the clock, that just started about 16 minutes ago, at this writing.
  9. mineralhh

    mineralhh New Member

    Re: Scott Peterson gets fan mail, too, I guess

    please be more specific and define "supporter". While Mr. Azad seems to have a less-than wonderful past to use Mr. Bear's Speech, he has presented himself critical of past endeavors from what I read. The accusations that he is "Lerner" seem to be false considering the IP check. So I don't see any sense in making fun of someone who contributes non-aggressively on this board. So yes, I am in support of the TOS.
  10. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    I really have nothing else to say about Mr Azad. Let's see what he does next. Pictures would be nice.
  11. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Re: Re: Scott Peterson gets fan mail, too, I guess

    Without reading another word of your post, I will respond to this one line with the comment that you are categorically correct; and that "supporter" may be too strong a word. My apologies.

    To what end? Perhaps you've not been at this long enough. Shills will say and do anything to come at what they do from some kind of different angle that lets them do their shilling without being noticed for a while. Sooner or later, though, as their plot unfolds, spectators begin to understand what they're up to and, invariably, it's no good. Janko made the point in another thread what Azad's ulterior motive might be. I don't know if he's correct, but what he said could be happening has happened before. I don't know you, mineralhh, or your motivations. If you're like several of my closest friends, you want to give the benefit of the doubt... and that's an honorable default position. So I don't mean for any of my "ire," as it's been labeled in another thread, to seem like it's directed at you. It's not. I'm only cautioning you to not be taken in so quickly.

    Look, if it turns out that Azad -- if he's even really Azad -- is turning over some kind of new leaf and it can be seen, over time, that he is no longer associated with the mills and he really and truly stands against them down to the depths of his soul and with more than just short-lived lip service, there is no one who believes in the notion of redemption more than I. If that happens, then I, for one, will be only to happy to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Azad in the ongoing battle against mills.

    But I know better than to hold my breath for that eventuality. So should you.

    Nothing has been proved. ISPs use dynamic IP assignment wherein every time the dialup user connects, a new IP is assigned. Static IPs (unless they're ordered special, and paid more for) aren't even common with always-on, broadband connections anymore. Most cable modem and DSL providers forcibly reassign IP addresses either periodically, or every time one's machine is rebooted.

    With AOL, the problem is exacerbated by that fact that IP addresses are shared via proxies because AOL could never, in a million years, get enough IP addresses from ARIN to support all of the millions of simultaneous users that are typically logged-in to AOL at any given moment. This makes it so that multiple people can appear to a web site to have the same IP address... which can wreak havoc with web apps that track IP addresses rather than (or not in addition to) planting cookies to keep track of users. We ran into that on the Laci Peterson site, and I wrote this explanation for AOL subscribers who were complaining about being unable to post even one guestbook message because the guestbook software believed that they had already posted one. It wasn't because they had; rather, it was because some other AOL subscriber sharing the same proxie (and, therefore, the same IP address) had just posted there. I was just volunteering, and knew I wouldn't be doing so for long; and I had already given enough to that endeavor, so I didn't bother to write a companion cookie tracking routine that would have alleviated the problem.

    And I won't even get into the manifold ways that anyone with the know-how can have two usernames here and can log-in as either of them with not only different IP numbers each time, but with different IP numbers that appear to be from ISPs on opposite sides of the planet. It's easy, if you know how.

    So the IP address thing, on its face, proves nothing. If I, on the other hand, had those IP addresses -- and especially if I could see the full header of the HTTP GET requests that come in from them whenever they hit this site -- then given enough time I assure you that if they can be tied together, I could do so. But, alas, I just don't care enough... and, anyway, I'm sure Chip and/or Bruce would not provide me with that information (unless they wanted to contract me to do so, or something like that... in which case ethics would prohibit me from uttering another word about it and would force me to leaving that sort of thing to them, in any case).

    This isn't a TOS issue. Nor is it about "making fun" of someone... as a child would do. No one's "making fun" of Lerner or Azad. There's nothing "funny" about either of them... that is, if they're even different people. If someone comes here -- whether or not non-aggressively -- and posts pro-degree mill trash; or pretends not to be for some either not-easily-recognizable or as-yet-undetermined pro-mill purpose, you can bet that the folks around here will take him to task for it. That's not "making fun" of him. That's treating him and his shenanigans appropriately.

    Yes, that's a good idea. Let's just see.

    You mean in compromising positi... er... wait... you just mean... oh... okay.... I get it now. Yes, pictures would be nice.

  12. asakazad

    asakazad New Member

  13. asakazad

    asakazad New Member

    Please don't mistake me. I am against the Diploma mills. I will always be.

    I will update about Seborga and their mills soon.
  14. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Maby because some people actually use their head and think.

    Others bark without thinking.
  15. mineralhh

    mineralhh New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Scott Peterson gets fan mail, too, I guess

    I fully agree that there is no space for intentionally misleading advice on these forums. I just don't feel that posts based on generic suspicion are adequate for this purpose. I have seen people change and honestly regret past actions. Other's haven't. I'm not defending Mr. Azad, as I don't know him. Neither does - I guess- anybody else. Your stance is to see him as a shill until it's proven that his motives are upright as he writes. I see it the other way around. This does not make me a supporter, I'm also not taken in by someone. I just like to see some kind of evidence before I raise public suspicion, and I personally at this point simply do not.

    I'm quite familiar with the concept of IP adresses and adress ranges. I wonder though that someone posts accidentally using the "wrong screen name" but apparently still manages to get the right proxy adressed before posting (the one relating to the wrong screenname). To me this seems not really plausible. Then again we don't know if we are just talking different AOL IPs or different providers. Again, guesswork.

    I don't like judging when all we have is guesswork. Therefore I would prefer a less strict conversational style until Mr. Azad acts inappropriate. This is what my original post was about; please don't be mistaken in believing i'm supporting diploma mills in any kind.
  16. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    He told us in the 'Seborga' thread that he was going to be visiting this Seborga thing (whatever it's supposed to be) this week.

    (Why would minor Indian website designers, which is what Azad claims to be, travel thousands of miles to visit obscure Italian villages?)

    I really wish that the people who take such pleasure in ridiculing Azad would post a few coherent paragraphs explaining who they think he is, what they think that he's been up to in the past and why they are so down on him now.

    Lots of things are apparently happening, both in the cozy world of the degree-mill operators and out on other internet fora. Sometimes all we see here is smoke from distant fires.

    It's all so cryptic as to probably be impenetrable to Degreeinfo's more casual readers. (It's certainly a mystery to me.)

    Many of these posts probably just look like displays of insufferable attitude and Azad comes off looking like he's a victim.

    I really wish that those who do know something would stop being so snide and start being more informative.
  17. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure of the purpose of this thread, but I am sure it doesn't help anything.

    Wasn't a thread just locked because it fell to this?:rolleyes:
  18. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    I have been on the receiving end of the kind of cynicism that says, "You're suspicious until you prove otherwiese." I hate that. Some people are just like that, though. It seems like a terrible way to live... never trusting as one's default value. And it always makes me assume that, in keeping with the human habit of projecting onto others one's own characteristics and/or viewpoints, they can't be trusted themselves. I, too (like you, it seems), for the most part, tend to trust first, and only stop trusting after I've been burned. Though such an attitude forces one to occasionally endure the sting of such burnings, that's certainly a more generous way to live. I get that; and I respect you for it.

    But you're misapplying it, here, in my opinion. You're trying to give him the benefit of a doubt that he's already blown by his observable history of bad behavior and deceit. If he had come in here as an unknown, then I'd be right there with ya' on this one. But we're way past that with this guy. His history is what it is. Given that, and espeically since his past includes deceit and intentionally misleading people, it's certainly not inapporpriate for reasonable, rational -- and fair minded -- people here to be suspicious of him until and unless they see some serious, verifiable and fairly unassailable evidence to the contrary. To extend him the olive branch without something like that takes generosity too far.

    I applaud your generous, peace-loving, "hey give the guy a chance" sort of attitude. It's admirable... seriously. But, trust me, it's misplaced with this guy. If I end-up being wrong, I will happily apologize to him, and admit that I misjudged him... and I'll do it here in all-caps and in bold, red letters! I don't think I'll ever have to do that, though... in part because I just don't think he'll ever actually come around; and also because, even if he seems to (around here and elsewhere), we would first have to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the person using the name, here, "asakazad" is actually the real Azad with the bad history about which we all know.

    Look, you're entitled to your opinion, of course... and I respect it. But I think you should reserve judgement until you've seen how this is going to play out... otherwise, you may end-up disappointed. And the last you'd ever want around here is to be in the position where the likes of me can say, "See? I told you so!" (kidding)

    Indeed. And perhaps that should be this thread's fate, as well... though, to be candid, I'm uncomfortable with the notion of the moderators falling into the habit of locking threads without a darned good reason. It's taking the "easy" way out, in many casees. An increase in thread locking around here, just generally, would probably not be a good sign. But that's just my opinion.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2005
  19. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    The Silence of Azad, by Carl Reginstein.

    It was a dark and stormy forum, made more so by the stillness of the surrounding barrennness. Azad had been but left without hint of purpose and leaving suspicion in his wake. Tension rose in those remaining, part for the storm and part in anticipation, or fear, of Azad returning with...what none dare contemplate.

    Continued in tomorrow's thriller section.
  20. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Because some people here have noting better to do first they invent conspiracy then they create shills, and finally they are defending the readers by showing off how tough their are on mills.

    I will continue posting in this group what I find suitable for sharing.

    My interest in deferent education providers are for education and career development only.

    The others have political agenda and need a place to express their frustrations and maybe failures in life.
    Maybe also failure in running Mills them selfs, becaue the one that has most to hide usually the most vocal.
    The one that knows the least talks the most.
    Potetic loosers they are.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2005

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