Scottish article on degree mills

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by marilynd, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. marilynd

    marilynd New Member

    Ran across this article on degree mills from The Scotsman and thought I'd share.

    Check out the ads below the article. Two of them advertise KW. One advertises Clayton College of Natural Health, cited in the article as the source of the questionable credentials of Gillian McKeith of Channel 4 fame. Do the editorial and advertising divisions never talk to each other?

    An interesting point in the article, not often discussed here, I think, are the potential legal consequences of an employer not checking an employee's credentials; i.e., law suits arising from customers/clients claiming damage due to the employee's fraudulent credentials.


    To those legal minds on this board, have their been actual cases filed in this regard? Something like, "I paid for a professional and now I've spent all this money on this project and this guy mucked it up and so you own me not only my money back but damages as well because you should have checked his credentials . . . "



  2. Kirkland

    Kirkland Member

    That's an interesting question. I've been in big projects for the Feds and commercial industry for almost 30 years and haven't seen this but I think it's possible though; especially in Fed govt contracts where labor categories and qualifications can be specific.

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