Center College of Executive & Professional Development (CCEPD)

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by galanga, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. galanga

    galanga New Member

    Center College of Executive & Professional Development (CCEPD) is a new Saint Regis hatchling.

    Below the illegible signature of the president we are told "Center College is an accredited institution through affiliation and endorsement by Robertstown University and meets all legal qualifications to grant undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level degrees." (Just not in Liberia, I suppose.)

    The New Student page displays a tiny Rubber Duck Designs Robertstown seal.

    The application form displays a seal for Rochville University!

    The domain name for the active CCEPD site ends in ".org." It is amusing to see what you get if you try different endings: (registration hidden) (registered to Jallah Faciann) (registered to Jallah Faciann)

    The sign-up-to-be-a-CCEPD -Professor form shows symbols for two more of the entity's "accreditors": "Board of Online Universities Accreditation" and "Universal Council for Online Education Association."

    The picture of a hand used in the headers of the CCEPD pages looks to be a mirror-reversed still from the Bangalore Institue of Science, Technology, and Management web page header.

  2. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    And none of this is to be confused for a moment with the completely legitimate Centre College in Danville, KY, which see:
  3. galanga

    galanga New Member


    So busy! Collected here, for your information, is News From Other Fora.

    Look at what's come into the world recently:

    Center College of Executive & Professional Development (CCEPD)
    "Center College is an accredited institution through affiliation and endorsement by Robertstown University and meets all legal qualifications to grant undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level degrees."

    St. Thomas Institute (STI)
    "A division of SRU India Educational Trust"

    University College of Advanced Studies (UCAS)
    "Affiliate of Trinity Christian High School and James Monroe University"

    Saint Regis is doing the India thing.

  4. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Whack-a-fraud in fast forward mode

    The SRU folks are so busy starting up new schools, I just don't see how they have anytime left for teaching? ;)
  5. galanga

    galanga New Member

    Reloading the gopher supply -OR- university-in-a-box, get one today!

    The University Services site asks
    (It also announces that one can "Graduate from a famous India University. Credit for experience..." just like the retooled, locked down Saint Regis site.)

    Uncle Janko, would you care to comment on the proper adjectival form for something in/from/of India? One might think that someone who helps others start their own universities would be a scholar of considerable distinction. Grammar counts!

    Anyway, back to te matter at hand. Since Alabama now licenses Breyer State, clearly indicating it doesn't understand the conflict of interest associated with BSU's president also controlling its principal accrediting body, maybe SRU ought to head southeast, rather than jumping to another continent altogether.

    As it is, by selling roll-your-own starter kits, they can enlist others to keep them gophers coming. Who could PLAssibly have time to teach?

  6. galanga

    galanga New Member

    brush your teeth!

    Oh yeah, I forgot. The University Services blurb carrying the start-your-own-school pitch on the home page shows this picture.

    Look closely, dear readers, to find it appears to be an image from the site. Remember to floss before enrolling!

  7. galanga

    galanga New Member

    Dentists abducted by Space Aliens

    That picture is no longer displayed on the entry page to University Services. You can still purchase their assistance in order to Roll Your Own School, though.

    Also gone is the entry page to the Center College of Executive & Professional Development, formerly at Abducted by space aliens? Detonated by another Ministry of Higher Education? Who knows?!? Maybe it's gone into hiding.

    And, IIRC, all this in spite of having "received this year's International Online College Award for Excellence" during its oh-so-brief existence.


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