interfaith education Ministries

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by el-Sasa, Oct 10, 2004.

  1. el-Sasa

    el-Sasa New Member

    interfaith education Ministries
    Please I sent a message regarding the authenticity of Interfaith education Ministries and its members can some please help.

    I need to know whether Evaluation from Interfaith education ministries is accepted. They give acrreditations to number of institutions including Cambridge intercontinental University.

  2. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member

    avoid it.
  3. galanga

    galanga New Member

    look here

    See this thread for information about a high-school-degree-by-exam program in which IEM offers the exact same multiple choice test as two "high schools" affiliiated with Saint Regis and other now-declared-illegal "Liberian" entities.

    If you search for more IEM information on DegreeInfo you are likely to learn more of their practices.

    That should tell you something about the level of safety associated with using IEM's services.

  4. boydston

    boydston New Member

    Crap detector alert! Generally speaking it is wise to avoid institutions where one of the major selling points is that they provide "professionally printed and sealed" diplomas. If they offer to throw in a wallet diploma you can be pretty certain that educational excellence is low on their list of priorities.

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