Annodated Responses From Warnborough - Monologue 2

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by ismo, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. ismo

    ismo New Member

    Warnborough Vice-president replying to Distance Learning Discussion Forum, June 2002, "Warnborough is unaccredited, unrecognized, and generally a waste." By Marco

    Warnborough: If you check out our websites and you will get a full picture of Warnborough, our facilities and programmes. The article is misleading. Warnborough did not close down, nor did it owe money, nor did the President vanish, etc. You will see our official responses to this article and to the misinformation being promoted by this newsgroup if you check their website.

    Author: This man likes the word official. Its not often or ever that an 'official' university has to respond to allegations such as those. I think the article is spot on: the president did vanish and they did owe and still do, a lot of money. There are similar articles in other publications starting from the Oxford University Gazette, still on line They can’t all be wrong? Or if they are, where’s the evidence – official or otherwise.

    Warnborough: A degree mill sells degrees, and there is no evidence of this ever with Warnborough. Can anyone produce this evidence? Our degree programmes take as long as any other UK university and all thesis/dissertations are externally examined by examiners at British Universities. You will see our list of mentors on our website. We also prepare students for official examinations in the UK.

    Author: According to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary a Diploma Mill is “an institution of higher education operating without supervision of a state or professional agency and granting diplomas which are either fraudulent or because of the lack of proper standards worthless."

    Therefore, since Warnborough, through its articles of incorporation as Warnborough University Ltd has empowered itself to sell degrees as a company. It is not, and has never been, recognised as being an official degree granting university in any jurisdiction in the world by any recognised government authority, it must be classified a a degree mill.

    Evidence? See:,, , where “you will get a full picture of Warnborough, our facilities and programme” where in accordance with the British Education Reform Act 1988 we must state that "Warnborough University is incorporated in the Republic of Ireland as a global university” which is really a load of bull because we incorporated as a limited company, not a university, let alone a global one. After all, since

    “our degree programmes take as long as any other UK university and all thesis/dissertations are externally examined by examiners at British Universities and “we also prepare students for official examinations in the UK” … we should really be thought of as British! What a silly old Act!

    Julian NG

    PS. My version of Julian NG’s latter response is factual whilst his above it is pure fantasy.



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