Official With Role in Student-Loan Policy Has Degrees From 'Diploma Mills'

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by adireynolds, May 14, 2004.

  1. adireynolds

    adireynolds New Member

    Article in the Chronicle of Higher Education:

    "A member of a committee that advises Congress and the U.S. secretary of education on student-aid policy has degrees from two unaccredited universities, both of which appear on a list of diploma mills compiled by the State of Oregon.

    René A. Drouin, a member of the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance, holds a bachelor's degree and an M.B.A. from Kensington University and a law degree from LaSalle University, a now-defunct institution that was based in Louisiana and had no connection with the accredited La Salle University in Philadelphia. "

    Mr. Drouin had no comment, but a spokeswoman for a non-profit organization of which he is CEO says he was duped and "[h]e had no reason to believe that they were not legitimate educational institutions."

    This sort of thing burns my hide every time it happens, but in this case, I'm really ticked off, considering all the possible changes and hullaballoo going on re financial aid to DL students and institutions. The last thing DL needs is to have its access to financial aid reduced, tarnished, or otherwise harmed because of something like this.

  2. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    To catch a thief?
  3. MichaelR

    MichaelR Member

    What this tells me is that you don't have to know jack crap about education to work for the Financial Aid department. very odd.

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