The biggest Hawaii diploma mill in China__Honolulu University ASH

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by ben chong, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. ben chong

    ben chong New Member

    According to my latest info from China,the Hawaii base Honolulu University ASH,under the one man show of a Japanese ,Arthur Yamada had just conducted the biggest commencement ceronony in Singapore early March,2004.

    Arhtur Yamada had sold about 300 dipplomas to this batch of Chinese students who travel to Singapore,why in Singapore?because both parties(HU and Chinese students)are afraid of the Chinese authorities to take action against them shall they conduct the said event in any Chinese soil so they have to be in Singapore

    Jeffery Brunton could not take any action to Honolulu University ASH ,Arthur Yamada will continue to sell unaccredited diploma to students in Asia,mainly China,Singapore and Malaysia and even Japan,Arthur Yamada is a Japanese who hold US green card in Hawaii ,operation the said diploma mill,fraquently trvael between Hawaii and Japan.

    In Japan,he sell honorary doctorate to any Japanese who want a US diploma
  2. AK47

    AK47 New Member

    Instance Noodle, Instance Diploma, Instance Mill Status! Probably Jeffery should trow this issue to HU-ASH to see what is the reaction.
  3. zvavda

    zvavda New Member

    Is a fake degree can do anything in china?
  4. ben chong

    ben chong New Member

    The one man show University President,Arthur Yamada"s Japanese wife is runing a health food store in Honolulu,you may purchase a Honolulu University fake degree thru the wife
  5. ben chong

    ben chong New Member

    Dirty lawyer!!!Dirty President!!!

    Arhtur is hiring a Hawaii lawyer (also Japanese,he like Japanese,why not send him to Iraq?) Gary Shigermura to play the cat and dog game for delaying the refund from China students,this dirty lawyer told Jefferey Brunton that all the students who seeking for refund are holding fake diploma that printed by Honolulu University agent,thus ,Arthur refuse to pay the refund,Gary is fully ultilise the loopholes of Hawaii legal system to buy the time for Arthur to continue the diploma selling career.

    The students who seek for refund shall complain to USDOE as Jefferey Brunton seems can not do too much beyond this point
  6. AK47

    AK47 New Member

    I think this issue only can resolve that the Hawaii DCCA issue another summon to "HU-ASH" for cheating the public and try to push away all the responsible away from his desk.

    Jeff, is that once the university having problem with the local authority and also inorder to avoid all the hassle... the university can said..." Oh, this is not my signature and not issued from the university", If you wanted your refund you should go to your agent for refund due to the certificate is signed by the agent. Very funny and very strange that the university can said such sentence.:mad:
  7. cableplus

    cableplus New Member

    ben chong,it appears to me you are pretty an insider,I am so curious to ask why you are concerned about HU's scam in China?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2004
  8. ben chong

    ben chong New Member

    I am one of the victims!!!!!

    Yes,I am one of the victims.
    The lawyer hired by Arthur Yamada,Gary Shigemura,fully utlise the loop holes of Hawaii legal system,delaying the refund of the tuition fees that I am entitle for
    I have filed a complaint to Jefferey Brunton of DCCA,and also sent the original HU diploma to Jefferey for more than one months ,but heard nothing from Jefferey,I think the dirty lawyer are playing the delaying and buying time thectic

    So disappointed about that....dirty lawyer plus a Japanese diploma mill must execute your enforcement power
  9. cableplus

    cableplus New Member

    I represent a good number of Chinese victims(if the initial cohort succeed in reclaiming the duped monies,there are more forthcoming),we sent in our applications together with original diploma more than half a year ago,the case is deadly stalled,my folks are anxious to receive a confirmation,but it appears to me it's unavailable at the moment.Where are you from?
  10. cableplus

    cableplus New Member

  11. cableplus

    cableplus New Member

    Any list member who is residing in honolulu,hawaii?

    I wish to get a few real photos depicting the HU's "campus" and associated "offices",could anyone do me a huge favor?
  12. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Good luck Ben at getting a refund. It is comforting when these academic frauds are forced to return their ill gotten gains.
  13. ben chong

    ben chong New Member

    Jefferey Brunton need to declare somethings!!!!!!


    I think Jefferey of DCCA should inform us the outcome after he has received the original diplomas from us

    The canning and stupid lawyer,Gary Shigemura(please visit his web at
    is playing the dirty game that accusing all students who demand for refund are holding the false diplomas,so ,everyone who demand for refund need to send their diploma to Jefferey Brunton,and Jeff will call Arthur to confirm the authentication of the diplomas,certainly this will buy them some times to continue to sell their diplomas to Asian students especially Chinese

    The baseline is :who will print the false HU diplomas?this dirty lawyer accused HU former agents in China,Taiwan,Malaysia and Singapore were the printers of the false diplomas,this is a laughing stock!!!!!!!no one will print a useless unaccredited diploma mill certificates

    I have a counter strike letter from HU former agent in Singapore,Supremesc Group,revealed a lot of illegal activities of Arthur Yamada in Asia,I will publish it in the next post,the FBI and IRS shall conduct a search in HU office for the criminal evidences
  14. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Didn't the owner/scam-artist bother keeping a record of who he sold the bogus diplomas to?
  15. cableplus

    cableplus New Member


    I am eager to get my hands on some verifiable information regarding HU's swindling operation,I am keen to alert my countryman about the scam but HU has thrown out some gimmick to confuse the situation...if you have some thorough and concrete information,I would be delighted to hear from you...
  16. AK47

    AK47 New Member

    have a look on their buletin "NEW" one at

    The China one of the college's now had started their affiliation with HU...Ash. Seem like the China college does not care what is going on with the university or just try to ignore it and see what happen next.

    China Shanghai Normal University!

    Oop just prity the old affiliated school Supreme had been kick out and now it come SNU-HUash.

  17. AK47

    AK47 New Member

    OOP One more thing before we forgot probably we need to alert the college know that if you are not paying money to the university, selling degree to less you will be revoke and + your PhD from the university will revoke too and we will publish on the net to let the whole world to see you had got an fake degree! Do anyone know this China college or university email address???
  18. cableplus

    cableplus New Member

    The date signed is December 2002,I will verify with Shanghai Normal University if this contract or cooperation is still alive and kicking.

  19. AK47

    AK47 New Member

    If the "paper" signed on Dec 2002 why until today Arthur of Power only bring it to the Buletin... Ohhh probably during the time he is still engage with Supreme in a very good relationship and singing the song together and the most important that HUASS can suck the money until the bone-a golden opportunity before they said " Hello friend, you are now no longer able to sell my degree and give me money and we are mad, we are sorry, you are OUT and your PhD are REVOKE automatically "due to poor performance and is sign by you NOT Arthur of Power".... Mmmmmm". THIS IS TOTALLY VERY VERY FISHIIIISS.
    :D :( :mad:
  20. ben chong

    ben chong New Member

    Can you tell us what are the "gimmick to confuse the situation",I think the dirty lawyer ,Gary Shigemura are playing the same dirty gimmick with other students from Malaysia and Singapore as well,please spell it out so the public may alert

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