Honolulu University Of Ash

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by AK47, Apr 2, 2004.

  1. AK47

    AK47 New Member

    Does anyone know about this university in Hawaii?
  2. amused

    amused member

    Maybe you mean Honolulu University of Arts, Humanities and Sciences.

    It is one of the older unaccredited schools. However, of late, it seems to be in dispute with a growing number of parties, including the Department of Consumer Affairs, Hawaii, and also some of its agents. It seems to be sacking agents by the country!

    There is also some talk that a number of students are seeking refunds from the university as a result of the judgement made against it. However, the university, through its lawyers, is resisting hard.

    If you are thinking of studying there, I think there are much better alternatives - like, accredited alternatives. Studying through an unaccredited school is a waste of time and money. The acceptance of these degrees are limited to a diminishing number of unsuspecting employers and in the backwaters of most undeveloped countries.
  3. Mike Albrecht

    Mike Albrecht New Member

  4. AK47

    AK47 New Member

    This is surprise to me that some of the students seeking refund from the university. The website never tell anyone that enrol can seek for refund directly from the university. From your statement that the university is an older unaccredited university but how come in the website that they said they are accredited by APICS:
    Honolulu University is accredited by Akademie Fur Internationale Kultur- und Wissenschaftsforderung (APICS), located in Switzerland, which accredits some of the oldest and most reputable universities and colleges in Europe and the Near East.

    Is this organisation recognise by the United State Department of Education.

  5. Mike Albrecht

    Mike Albrecht New Member

  6. amused

    amused member

    From what I hear, there should be no speculation about the value of a HU degree; they are as good as worthless.

    The student refund problem, so I believe, has arisen out the court judgement in Hawaii. A number of students from overseas are trying to get a refund out of the university because their overseas agents did not inform students HU was unaccredited. Now HU appear to be kicking and screaming about the whole matter.
  7. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member


    No but I like AK 47s.
  8. AK47

    AK47 New Member

    I heard they engage a lawyer Gary to defend the university from paying the refund... is it true? And what if they are not going to refund the fee to the student... Any consequences? Will DCCA from Hawaii will take action again the university?
  9. amused

    amused member

    I have no idea of the lawyer's name/s. Just that HU seem to be putting up quite a battle to resist the refund of fees. I am sure that Mr Brunton who visits this site from time to time will be watching this one closely
  10. AK47

    AK47 New Member

    Are you try to let the reader know that not to discuss this matter in detail or do you got some others agenda?
  11. amused

    amused member

    Re: Re: Honolulu University Of Ash

    And I hate AK 47's cause they kill people!

    But then again, maybe I haven't had the benefit of a good conservative Baptist education!!!!!
  12. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Honolulu University Of Ash


    If you hate guns because they can be used to kill people do you hate soldiers and policemen too when they use guns to kill people? Do you hate my younger son returning from Iraq this week because he was trained to kill or my other son a former marine? Do you hate my stepfather who was on a ship at Pearl or my uncle who flew a bomber in the Pacific? Do you hate the deerhunters because their guns could be directed at humans? Do you hate the target shooters who compete in the Olympics? Do you hate America because it allows gun ownership? Do you hate Oregon because it gives licenses for private individuals to carry concealed weapons? Do you hate the USPS which mails guns all over the country for citizens? Do you hate other legal things which are used to kill people as cigarettes, booze, or fattening foods? Do you hate me for expressing my opinion ? Or is it sufficient merely to fault my education because it does not force me to attain your noble, insightful standard of hating inanimate things which people use to hurt others?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2004
  13. AK47

    AK47 New Member

    Thanks Bill. I hope that this discussion can do it in a very fair way from the public!
  14. amused

    amused member

    I just thought there was some paradox about expressing a like for a military rifle when you display your theological education so prominantly on this site.

    Pardon my sarcasm, however, Bill. Just that I cannot bring myself to 'like' anything designed to kill human beings,although humanity being what it is requires the design and use of such weapons in some circumstances.

    And I certainly do not dislike anyone who has to use such weapons. I also had close relatives who fought and died during WW 2.
  15. AK47

    AK47 New Member

    Thank you for the historical recall from WW2. My question raised was what if a student gradauted from the university and seeking refund from the university and the university refuse and push away their responsible to the overseas agent? What can the student act after that!
  16. ben chong

    ben chong New Member

    Arthur Yamada is cheating the Chinese students

    The president of Honolulu University ,armed with his Hawaii Lawyer,Gary Shigemura,went to Shanghai,China on September 2003,conducted a meeting with about 300 Chinese students in a five star hotel,promised the angry Chinese students that Honolulu University will obtain USDOE accreditation in ONE year period,with this rain check,about one hundred and fifty Chinese students believed his statement and paid him the tuition fee in exchange of Honolulu University MBA diploma,Arthur Yamada succesfully collected more than three hundreds thousand of USD

    And now(8 months later),Honolulu University still show no sign of obtaining any USDOE recognition,the Chinese students in Shanghai feel that they have been cheated by Arthur Yamada........look like Arhtur is the only person laughing all the way to the bank,he has cheated the Chinese students with empty promisses and pocketed three hundred over thousand,these monies have wired into his personal account in Hong Kong Bank in Hong Kong

    I think IRS shall ask him why he keep the money in Hong Kong while running a non-profit Hawaii University
  17. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2004
  18. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Yes, but best to hate flummery and phony repentance!
  19. telefax

    telefax Member

    Hey Bill,

    Are you still using your aol.com account? I couldn't get through with a private message through the board.

    Dave "Garand" G.
  20. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member


    Hi Dave

    I got your read. Just emailed you.

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