Donate to SRU's Legal Defense

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by piratesmac, Mar 27, 2004.

  1. piratesmac

    piratesmac New Member

    Get a load of this :

    SRU alumni are asking pointed questions regarding SRU ever since the story regarding the teachers broke.

    The SRU spokesperson does not directly answer any of the concerns but does suggest that SRU alumni donate to a legal defense fund.

    Apparently, SRU has retained a Liberian attorney to defend the malicious claims against them.

    But in light of the recent negative press, they would like to retain a US attorney. They have some money to do so but would like alumni to donate to this cause.


    Even more unbelievable is that some alumni are actually planning to do so.

  2. galanga

    galanga New Member

    an opportunity to those who are ready

    When life hands you lemons, resell them as Fabergé eggs. Why shouldn't the aftermath of a civil war be viewed as a way to turn a profit? Why shouldn't the deaths of thousands of people be used to attract customers to a homeland security college? And why not use the current SRU situation as a way to extract more money from clients?

  3. jerryclick

    jerryclick New Member

    Pond scum, all of 'em. Malingering misfits buy worthless pieces of paper from thieves. Then the thieves ask them for more money to fight allegations of wrongdoing. Kinda like robbing a bank, then asking the banker to pay for your lawyer.:mad:
    Reminds me of the story about the guy who was on trial for killing his parents. He asked the Judge for mercy, since: "Your Honor, I am now an orphan."

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