Trinity C & U

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by oxpecker, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

  2. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

    Very interesting article. Of especial note was the spread of deceit to family and friends to obtain a bogus credential followed up by using the degree :(

  3. fnhayes

    fnhayes New Member

    Oxpecker's post is really as useless as the newspaper report he presented.
    There are at least four versions of TCU in the world and nearly 100 'universities' that use the word 'TRINITY' in their name. From which one was the 'degree' purchased??????????????
    Dr Anatidae
  4. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

    I think when the article states that the degree was purchased for $600 through the Internet says it all regardless of the name of the school.

  5. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Not as useless as your PhD from TC&U "Dr".
  6. fnhayes

    fnhayes New Member

    I'd say it's time to close the VALVE! If Mr Valve can't say anything intelligent he should flag it away - or join AED.
    Dr Anatidae
  7. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    That will be Dr "Valve" for you. I also got my PhD from TC&U Spain for $50 USD on a christmas promotion. :)
  8. fnhayes

    fnhayes New Member

    TC & U

    Quite obviously Mr 'Closed' Valve is having another fantasy. TCU in Spain has never made such an offer.
    Dr Anatidae
  9. jerryclick

    jerryclick New Member

    I hope everybody is finished with the personal bickering so we can move ahead.
    The article clearly states that there are four schools using the name "Trinity" that they could locate. The first two they mentioned, which are apparently the Accredited schools, had no record of her. The two unaccredited schools declined to comment without permission. This is a response which one would take as analogous to pleading the Fifth Amendment.
  10. uncle janko

    uncle janko member


    Trinity University in San Antonio, contrary to the article describing it and TC&U as degree mills, is most definitely regionally accredited. The article is correct in mentioning Trinity in Deerfield and Trinity Christian in Palos as accredited, but this mislabeling of Trinity San Antonio is really stupid--almost as dumb as Dr What's-Her-Face.
  11. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I have the flier with me, it clearly says $50 USD.

    Where did you graduate from ?
  12. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    There was a recent thread entitled "Time Bomb Explodes in Massachusetts," in which it was revealed that a long-time employed state laboratory scientist bought a degree mill doctoral diploma and began labeling himself as a "PhD." It apparently didn't take long before people started asking questions about this new credential. To his credit, he quickly withdrew his claim to doctoral status and made the requisite apologies. Mr. Hayes has chosen another direction. He chooses to defend his degree despite the overwhelming evidence that indicates the school that issued his doctoral degree is a mill. He does this, apparently, based on the idea that the quality of his work has earned him this title. I would like to offer Mr. Hayes a bit of a challenge. His degree is in a scientific area and has received some attention from scientists who share his interest. His work has been cited in the works of some of these scientists as well as the popular press. If Mr. Hayes can demonstrate that any of these other real scientists have ever referred to him as "Dr." Hayes, and thereby acknowledging his alleged credential, then I will let go of this issue (obviously it must be verifiable). C'mon Hayes, if your own buddies won't call you "Dr" then why should we?
  13. fnhayes

    fnhayes New Member

    Long before the major brown teal dissertation, and resultant manual, I'd written two books and had published six major papers on brown teal, and for the past twenty plus years have always been referred to by waterfowl people as Dr Hayes, except when I'm cowboy shooting and I bcome THE VERY REVEREND DR HAYES. And in this mode I'm happy to give you my blessings.
    Dr Anatidae
  14. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    So, based on the way you answered this challenge, there's no way you can verify this. There's no written citation, let's say, in one of your waterfowl friends professional studies, where they refer to you as "Dr" or put the PhD after your name. Just as I thought.
  15. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    All of which amounts to claiming a doctorate from a diploma mill.

    The woman in question bought her degree from the same source.

    Claiming a doctorate from a diploma mill is the same as telling a lie about having one.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2004
  16. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    The Philadelphia Inquirer lying about Trinity University in San Antonio is even worse, and the fact that nobody else but stupid caught the lie bothers me. Where was our concern for precision in language about accreditation?
  17. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Re: TC & U

    Dr. Hayes, isn't the only way that you could know this is if you're involved or intimately familar with the internal workings of the degree mill? If there's another explanation I'd be very interested in hearing it.
  18. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Re: Re: TC & U

    Mr Hayes has repeatedly stated that he has many years of experience in the DL field. With this in mind, he must have known the full range of options available to him in his quest for a doctoral degree. There are research-only doctoral programs in OZ as well as ZA (not to mention Britain). There are publication-based doctoral programs such as at Luton. And then there are the mills. Mr Hayes made a mistake and chose the mills. He's paying for that now. He bought himself a "vanity degree" and it's that very vanity that will not allow him to admit his mistake. The mistake he made was the choice he made regarding his "school." It does not condemn his research, which is said to be at least adequate.
    I've become tired of this issue. The lines have been drawn and everyone who has an interest in such matters has already chosen sides. I feel no need to pursue this matter further as I've made myself, and my position on the core issue, clear. Mr. Hayes may be a good guy. Frankly, I admire the work he's done for the brown teal and I could easily say that the world would be a better place if more people had such an interest in the ecosphere. I guess he's done some good research and it has probably benefitted New Zealand and beyond. Regardless of all that, his degree is bogus. It's fake. It is not a real Phd. He might deserve a PhD but he doesn't have one. Not a real one, at least. Here's a newspaper article on the brown teal. Hayes is featured. Not once is he described as "Dr" or "PhD." It's a very positive article and provides every opportunity to promote his doctoral status. There is no mention of his PhD because he doesn't have a PhD. He knew it and the newspaper knew it.
    Hayes, you can call me mean. You can call me abusive. You can call me rude and you can call me a jerk. Maybe you'd be right. I've been harsh when it was not necessary. You can call me all those things but none of that means I'm wrong. If I've behaved badly, that doesn't mean that your "PhD" is real. Your doctoral degree is a fake because the school that granted it is not really a school. It's a mill. Your refusal to admit this makes you a fraud.
    In the modern world we recognize that good people do bad things and bad people do good things. Which are you?
    Good-bye Hayes.
  19. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: TC & U

    There is a back-and-forth between me and a couple of degree mill apologists on CollegeHints regarding Dr. Hayes. It's all the usual criticisms about Union--as if I wasn't one of the schools more harsh critics. Lots of apologizing about the guy's dissertation--and talk about books that don't seem to be available from the usual sources. But none of them seem to be willing to refute the notion that TC&U is a diploma mill. And that's the point, isn't it?

    Jack said it better than I ever could. It is tiresome.
  20. fnhayes

    fnhayes New Member

    As I've previously indicated - with such a continual flow of garbage being recited by Jack, and his mates, DegreeInfo will be extinct long before the brown teal. Jack must surely be high on the list to take the place of one of his psychiatric patients? Or perhaps he is already a psychiatric patient?
    Dr Anatidae

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